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Education Resources












Free Online Bibliographic Databases for Crime and Justice


 Display Content -->Journal of Forensic Sciences (abstracts)

JRSA Journal, Justice Research & Policy, 1999-current

 PsiTri database of randomized and controlled trials in mental health

 PubMed, from the National Library of Medicine

 Rutgers University Don M. Gottfredson Library of Criminal Justice Gray Literature Database

 SafetyLit: the online source for injury prevention literature

 American Society of Criminology (ASC) Journal "Criminology"(abstracts)

American Society of Criminology (ASC) Journal "Criminology and Public Policy" (abstracts)

 Behavioral Sciences and the Law (abstracts)

 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice (abstracts) 1997-current

 Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation

 Center for Sex Offender Management (USO) documents database

CINCH - the Australian Criminology Database


 National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) database

 National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practice (NREPP)

 National Youth Development Information Center Library database

 PAVNET database on US federally funded violence-related research

 Prison Health Research Network

 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) full text documents

 US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) database on housing and community development

 US National Institute of Health Prevention communication research database

VioLit - Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence

World Bank Group documents and reports

EDC's National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention virtual library

 Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) database

 Harvard Family Research Project database of "afterschool program" evaluations

 Human Services Research Institute (HRSI) publications catalog

 Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority reports

 International Centre for Crime Prevention publications (Montreal)

 Journal of Experimental Criminology (abstracts)

Social Care Online

 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) full text documents

 US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) database on housing and community development

 US National Institute of Health Prevention communication research database

 VioLit - Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence

 World Bank Group documents and reports

 Finding an Alcohol Recovery Center That is Tailored To Your Personal Needs Is What We Do!




General Child Welfare Resources

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Casey Family Programs

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (Univ of Minnesota)

Chapin Hall Center for Children

Child Abuse Evaluation and Treatment for Medical Providers

Child Help

Child Welfare Information Gateway

Child Welfare League of America

Children's Bureau

Florida Coalition for Children

National Clearinghouse on Families and Youth

National Children's Advocacy Center

Social Security

Urban Institute





Dr. Marcia Griffiths Ph.D.  •  Phone: (813) 507-5775  •  Fax: (888) 333-1606  •  dr.marcia@griffithsprince.com

10021 Water Works Lane, Riverview, FL 33578