08-31-2022 6:42:02 PM EST

More Compelling Reasons to Start a Business in Cocoa Beach


Sophie Letts

Becoming an entrepreneur is a major life change, and when you also have a family to care for, there are several important factors to consider when choosing a spot to open up shop. 

The access to small business tools

In order to make sure your business thrives, you’ll need to start off on the right foot. Cocoa Beach offers several business tools to help you begin the legal process without confusion, including:

  • [if-->[endif]-->Obtaining a business license![endif]-->![if-->
  • Incorporating your business with the state of Florida![endif]-->![if--> -->[if-->[endif]-->
  • Obtaining a tax ID number

Moving to a new city can be a huge undertaking, but sometimes it’s necessary to relocate in order to ensure that both you and your business are able to thrive.


08-31-2022 6:34:10 PM EST


 Compelling Reasons to Start a Business in Cocoa Beach


Sophie Letts

Becoming an entrepreneur is a major life change, and when you also have a family to care for, there are several important factors to consider when choosing a spot to open up shop. Moving to a new city can be a huge undertaking, but sometimes it’s necessary to relocate in order to ensure that both you and your business are able to thrive.

If you’ve heard of Cocoa Beach, Fla., you may already know what a great place it is to build a small business; if you haven’t, consider this your introduction to a city known as a wonderful place for startups to find success. TipTopWebsite.com shares a few reasons why a move to Cocoa Beach is a great idea:

The cost of living

Not only does the cost of living in your chosen city affect you personally, but it also affects your business. When people are able to live comfortably in a given area, they can easily contribute to the local economy. You’ll also be able to pay for highly-skilled employees if you don’t have to worry about having high overhead or a lot of personal costs. When it’s time to rent a place, you’ll have plenty of affordable options to choose from; rentals in nearby Melbourne vary in price, but there are plenty of options available so you’re sure to find something that fits your needs and budget. An online search resource can help you quickly narrow your options.

Looking for a home to buy? Get a head start by searching for your dream house in the market online. Prices run the gamut, depending on the neighborhood you’re looking in. You might even qualify for assistance with your down payment via a mortgage credit certificate, VA loan, Homeowner Voucher program, or Energy Efficient Mortgage program.

The support of local businesses

Cocoa Beach is known for the number of startups and small businesses it’s turned out, so once you’ve found the perfect place to live, you’ll appreciate the local support you’ll find as you build upon your ideas. From finding grant opportunities to getting help with exporting and growing your business, Florida is very supportive of its entrepreneurs and offers these resources to help:

  • [if-->[endif]-->Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce![endif]-->![if-->
  • SecondMuse
  • Melbourne Regional Chamber![endif]-->![if-->[if-->[endif]--> ![endif]-->![if-->![endif]-->![if-->![endif]-->![if-->

Moving to a new city can be a huge undertaking, but sometimes it’s necessary to relocate in order to ensure that both you and your business are able to thrive.




08-25-2022 12:50:35 PM EST

5 Ways to Avoid Potential Pitfalls as an Entrepreneur by Sophie Letts


You have a business idea on your mind, and you’ve even been saving up an emergency fund so that you can eventually leave your 9-to-5 job. The only things holding you back are your fears about entrepreneurship. You’re worried that you’ll be in over your head. But with a solid business plan, creative marketing tools, and a support system to lean on, you can pull it off. These tips from www.gpac4.com will help to eliminate your concerns about entrepreneurship.


Turn to Online Services


It’s all too easy to assume that entrepreneurship means figuring everything out on your own. But truthfully, nothing is more important to business owners than identifying useful tools and services they can rely on to make projects easier. For example, the prospect of registering your business name and filing for your business structure might seem confusing. An S Corp is a tax classification you can add to your LLC, which adds helpful tax benefits. If you’re interested, explore how to create an S Corporation in Florida. If you want to ensure all of the correct paperwork gets completed and filed, you can work with an online formation service that can simplify the process and help you stay legally compliant. After all, establishing your business structure early brings lots of benefits, from tax breaks to limited liability!


Write Out a Business Plan


You don’t want to start operating your business without a plan. Keep a weekend free to work on your business plan. This will get you thinking about your products and services, how you can effectively market and sell your offerings, your ideal business structure, how many employees you might need to hire down the road, and any possible funding requirements.


Build a Positive Support System


When you’re an entrepreneur, you need people whom you can turn to for advice. You might want to join a program to connect with a mentor. Clover recommends getting involved with your alumni network or joining a professional organization to seek out a mentor.


But in addition to working with a professional mentor, you’ll want to think about which friends you can rely on for support, too. Try to foster deeper relationships with people who are truly enthusiastic about your ideas and efforts. You’ll feel more confident in your abilities when you spend time with people who recognize your talents!


Find Helpful Digital Tools


One of the most important aspects of being an entrepreneur is ensuring you get paid. Luckily, there are plenty of free and inexpensive digital tools to help you collect, track, and manage your money. Look into customized invoices that will formalize your recordkeeping system. Plus, you can modify free templates to make the invoice fit your business needs and reflect your branding. And they’re easy to update if you have any location, marketing, or rate changes.


You will also want to take advantage of several digital marketing methods, such as social media marketing, writing a company blog, or email marketing. Customers nowadays expect a legitimate business to have a professional looking and up-to-date website. You can hire someone to design and run one for you, but there are many platforms like tiptopwebsite.com that guide you through the process and make it easy for people who don’t know how to code to still make a beautiful, functional website.


Creating digital business cards is another way to creatively market your business. You can quickly and conveniently share your company’s contact info with a single click, making it easier than ever to connect with new customers or other professionals in your industry. Digital business cards are an affordable alternative to print cards, and sending them will save you time! Plus, they’ll leave a good impression on your contacts.


Commit to Continuous Learning


How can you keep your business growing? Don’t let your knowledge stagnate - instead, keep learning about new concepts and technology within your industry! This is a great way to stay inspired to test out new ideas. The Good Neighborhood recommends reading books about new developments in your field and taking online courses. You might want to block off a certain number of hours each week just to focus on learning.


Choosing to become an entrepreneur will always entail taking on a certain level of risk. But sometimes, accepting these risks is worth it in order to pursue your dreams. By taking some of these steps before you commit to entrepreneurship, you’ll be able to make it through some of the challenges you encounter along your path.


Photo via Pexels


02-15-2021 11:29:17 PM EST

Here are 10 Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress
recommended by the CDC during COVID and beyond

  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including those on social media. It’s good to be informed but hearing about the pandemic constantly can be upsetting. Consider limiting news to just a couple of times a day and disconnecting from phone, tv, and computer screens for a while.
  • Take care of your body.
  • Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate
  • Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol, tobacco, and substance use.
  • Continue with routine preventive measures (such as vaccinations, cancer screenings, etc.) as recommended by your healthcare provider.
  • Get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine when available.
  • Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy.
  • Connect with others you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.
  • Connect with your community- or faith-based organizations. While social distancing measures are in place, try connecting online, through social media, or by phone or mail.


07-07-2020 9:41:54 PM EST

6 Parental Tips for self-Care during a Crisis

As parents, it is reasonable to feel uneasy, worried, disorganized and irritated currently. However, in dealing successfully with your own emotions, you’ll be better positioned to take care of and model behaviors in a positive way to help to decrease stress. Here are 6 Tips you can do to take care of yourself during these challenging times.

1.Make sleep part of your self-care routine-Set a time to go to bed

2. Reducing stress is also key. Think about the best ways to calm yourself- relax more.

3. Pay attention to your emotions and thoughts- your thoughts become you. Remember, you are in control of our own thoughts, which in turn control your emotions and your actions.

4. Eat well -The types of foods you eat influence the bacteria that live in your stomach, this can be positive or negative.

5. Exercise- it is difficult to go to the gym currently, so try to incorporate other exercises, such as walking, tennis, or yoga, which may be able to fit into your schedule more easily. The most important thing is to create a routine that works for you.

6. Reach out and Communicate - It is difficult now with social distancing. However, Social/physical distancing does not have to mean your children or your extended family members feel alone or isolated. Make greater use of phones, online communication tools (group video conferencing) and social media to keep in touch with family, friends, and neighbors.

Practicing those 6 tips over time is likely to help you better navigate challenging times and crisis.

What are some ways , you take care of yourselves during a crisis. Share your thoughts!


02-08-2020 10:27:13 PM EST



02-08-2020 10:09:49 PM EST

“Rater Drift” can happen at the collective or individual level. Some examples here: https://bit.ly/2IpXz5t


02-08-2020 9:52:24 PM EST

Five common bias issues in teacher observation and evaluation (and proposed solutions): https://bit.ly/2IpXz5t


03-27-2018 1:12:16 PM EST

Dr. Marcia Presents
How to Take the Stress out of parenting a Challenging child with these 12 tips

  1. Learning more about your child’s behavior can help you be the best parent you can be.
  2. Encourage your child to do his/her best by helping him/her to feel good about his/herself. ;All children act out from time to time. This is a normal part of child development.
  3. Knowing the signs and the causes of the specific behavior and finding help for all disorders and problems is important.
  4. Communicating with children’s teachers and school counselors is critical to the success of treatment.
  5. Parents can learn ways to help children manage their behaviors.
  6. This includes skills for communicating, disciplining and using positive reinforcement. ;Involve in social skills training. 
  7. You can learn how to help children be more tolerant of peers, respect others and control anger towards others.
  8. Define rules, set limits and be consistent.
  9. Explain rules and consequences. When your child breaks a rule, explain how it affects you and others.
  10. Teach your child values.
  11. Share your values with your child and teach him/her about the importance of taking responsibility for his/her own action.
  12. Be a good role model ;Show your love

National Resources 

Prevent Child Abuse America  www.preventchildabuse.org


The National institute of Child Health and Human Developmentwww.nichd.nih.gov


Childhelp-National Child Abuse Hotlinewww.childhelp.org



U.S. Department of Educationwww.ed.gov



Feeling Stressed and Out of Control, we can help! We provide Learning activities and Curriculum with practical activities to help you Stay in Control. 

Call Us 813-507-5775







Dr. Marcia Griffiths Ph.D.  •  Phone: (813) 507-5775  •  Fax: (888) 333-1606  •  dr.marcia@griffithsprince.com

10021 Water Works Lane, Riverview, FL 33578